Master in Mathematical Modeling, Computer Science, Simulation, Statistics and Applications (MISSA)

Training identity card

Domain: Sciences et Technology

Mention: Mathematics and Modeling

Discipline: Mathematics

Speciality: Applied Mathematics

Target: Students, researchers, engineers or development actors holding one of the following qualifications:

  • A bachelor’s degree in mathematical sciences
  • An approved equivalent diploma in the field of science and technology

Output level: Master

Duration: 4 semesters

Credits: 120 credits ECTS

Home institution: Faculty of Exact and Applied Sciences

Training site: University of N’Djaména, Chad

  • Some teachings will be taught by missionaries
  • Video conference lectures are planned
  • Doctoral Schools will welcome intern students
This research master is intended to be an instrument resolutely committed to an ambitious national and regional policy to support and boost fundamental and applied research in the service of sustainable development.

The objectives of the master program are:

    • Train candidates for research and development professions in applied mathematics and computer science
    • Rely on the excellence and diversity of research themes of mathematics teacher-researchers to deliver high-level training
    • Train professionals capable of integrating into a wide range of sectors: secondary education, higher education and academic research, advanced engineering professions in mathematics and computer science in the main private sectors
The training aims to enable students:

  • Acquire solid knowledge in engineering sciences and techniques
  • To develop proven skills in the field of mathematical modeling of complex problems, numerical simulation, development and integration of computer software
  • Develop their intellectual curiosity and adapt to a variety of subjects
  • To integrate into an organization, interact, cooperate, provide solutions and communicate (possibly in English) with specialists or nonspecialists

This qualification certifies the ability to exercise the professions:

    • Experts in mathematical modelling and numerical simulation;
    • Experts in decision science
    • Secondary mathematics teachers
    • Research and development engineers in companies or public or private research organizations
    • researchers in applied mathematics (doctoral students, higher education attachés)

The master is organized over two years (4 semesters) and five courses in the second year: the course
“Mathematical Models Applied to Scientific Computing (MMSCI),” Statistics Applied to Life (SAV) “,”
Cryptology, Coding and Applications ( CCA) “,” Mathematics of Modeling and Applications (MMA) “and
the course” Mathematical Models Applied to Finance (MMAF) “. The content of the master is structured in
Teaching Units (UE) to which are assigned credits Each semester includes teaching units totalling 30 credits.
The validation of the entire master (M1 and M2) corresponds to 120 credits.

The first year (M1) is a common core between the five courses which includes basic and advanced knowledge
in mathematics: analysis, ordinary differential equations, dynamic systems, partial differential equations,
modelling of random processes, computer science and scientific computing.

At the end of M1, the student chooses one of the five courses for the second year: “MMSCI, SAV, CCA,
MMA or MMAF”. During the second year, some teaching units are specific to the course, and the others
concern modelling workshops, research methodology, personal and inter-staff development techniques
(English, communication, project design and management, entrepreneurship).

Knowledge check

Each constituent element of a EU is subject to:

  • A continuous assessment (homework, presentations, projects and more)
  • And a final exam at the end of the semester

The mark for each component of a EU is calculated as follows:

  • Continuous assessment: 40%
  • Final exam: 60%


This Master is done in partnership with the Doctoral Schools of:

  • Technical and Environmental Sciences (ED – STE), University of N’Djaména
  • Mathematics and Computer Science, UCAD
  • Mathematics and Computer Sciences, University Marien N’gouabi (Congo)
  • Sciences and Technology, University Gaston Berger de Saint – Louis (Sénégal)
  • Mathematics and Computer Sciences, University of Yaounde I, Cameroon
  • Mathematics and Computer Sciences, University of Nice (France)
  • Institute of Public Health, Epidemiology and Development of Bordeaux (France)
  • Seminars, Symposia and Conferences
  • Group works, workshops
  • Training workshops
  • Scientific day of PhD students
  • Community services and extension